
The world is truly our oyster!

There is nothing more enlightening than travel.  As Mark Twain once lamented, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. . .”  When I was not quite 16 years old, I had the amazing experience to join a student tour group and travel through Europe over summer break.  I caught the travel bug and promised myself a lifetime of adventures.  That was 30+ years ago and I have been fortunate to see many parts of our amazing world.  When I met my husband Chris one of our many connections was the love of travel as a shared touchstone.  We honeymooned in Spain and took a Mediterranean cruise.  The next year we returned to purchase our vacation home, that we will eventually retire to, in a small seaside village in Catalonia.  In these posts I will share our adventures traveling around the world and our journey to become expats living abroad.  Come explore with us!  

George Pieper

The Glory of Nature

Have you ever seen something in nature that has just taken your breath away? Seeing a beautiful vista, a waterfall at the end of a

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