About Me & Gee Fab

Why I started Gee Fab? 

I started this website like a phoenix out of the disastrous pandemic year of 2020.  Like many trapped in angst sheltering in place, avoiding people, living frugally in ambiguous times, leaving the house only for trips to the grocery store, I felt a drastic life change was needed.  I gained way too much weight from pouring large glasses of wine to get through the daily news, cooking fabulous meals, enjoying the results of my husband’s expanded baking skills, and lots day drinking cocktails with friends on Zoom.  While I have always embraced my jovial bearish looks, I finally tipped the scale of comfort.  Out of disgust, I thought get ahold of yourself Tubby!  Back to sensible consumption I went, especially since the gym at our club was still closed.  More than reassessing the life choices that got me there, I began thinking about this whole hamster wheel we are afraid of flying off if we stop running.  I mean experiencing a forced stop like a pandemic, puts things into prospective.


Gee Fabulous a.k.a. George Pieper

I feel lucky if all I must worry about is being fat.  There are so many terrible things going on in the world bringing a flood of insecurity with it.  I knew I needed a place to focus on some good things that I have a passion around.  Not as an escape, but new foundation to grow from.  As an entrepreneur and business owner of 20 years, I survived the Dot Bomb economy of 2000, the Housing Crash of 2008, and now a global pandemic in our midst.  I know that my business can survive this, but like 2008 the recovery might take years.  in writing this post I am a breath away from turning 50, good lord!  So, I have had to ask myself is this the wave I want to continue to ride into the next half of my life?  I do enjoy being a commercial interior designer, but it can also be a slog.  While we have had a steady flow of sneeze guard orders, the office furniture business seems to be an industry in decline following this pandemic where so many people are learning to work from home as an alternate to the potential of getting sick at work.  I am not quitting my day job just yet, but I feel a change is in the air.


George & Chris

As a serial food photo poster on Facebook, I had developed an enjoyable following of friends and family who have loved/liked and let me know that they enjoyed my culinary escapades.  I thought to myself, this is something that I love, why not share this with a larger audience who can glean from the life skills I have cultivated over the years.  Making delicious food, whirling up fancy and fun drinks, throwing fabulous parties, hosting lovely dinners, traveling the world to take in culture insights, and then bring back those experiences to share with my friends, this is what I thoroughly enjoy!  In fact, I think that this is the best life and I want more!  I have a passion for it, making people happy, exploring gastronomic delights, and getting the most out of our life’s adventures.  I love having creative outlets to build on successive experiences and boy do I have many.  I think of myself as a renaissance man, not a master of one thing, but great at many things.  I am easily fascinated and like to learn all I can to enjoy whatever I am doing that much more.  I love the creative expression of writing too.  So, what a wonderful marriage to bring my favorite things all together to share through blogging and vlogging!  I want people to say, “gee isn’t that fabulous”!  So, that is exactly what I have set out to do!  So, as I get my health back in order, I have started this blog too to get my mind there as well.  I invite you to join me on my journey.  Please Subscribe and let me know how I am doing and what you would like to see more of.  Cheers Darlings!  

UPDATE: I did quit my day job and so did Chris. We sold our home in the US and moved to Spain. More specifically, we moved to a small seaside village in the Tarragona Province of Catalonia about an hour and a half south of Barcelona. In the blink of an eye, we have been here for more than 3 years. We have enjoyed getting acclimated to life here, especially living 100% off grid in a villa overlooking the sea with acreage. We are surrounded by olive groves, carob and almond trees, beautiful scenery, and a plethora of wild rosemary, thyme, and other Mediterranean plants and herbs.  Once settled we also opened a restaurant and bar overlooking the main beach in our village. We have been very busy, but is it time to get back to writing, sharing, and posting about this amazing adventure. More to come. . . 

Cale Juanita
Our loves Fiona & Schroeder